My Online Identity
The Importance of Online Identities
Everything posted publicly online can be viewed by anyone at anytime. It’s important to take into consideration who will see your post when posting things online. Future employers will be able to see all of your social media and what you have posted online. To read more about the importance of online identities click this link to The New Yorker.

My life on the Web
One benefit of the web is being able to communicate with people who live all over the world. Through the web I have met lots of people with similar interest to me. For example, through discord I joined a book club and met lots of people who enjoy reading just as much as me. These friends live all over the world and only know me through my online identity.
The Importance of Domains
Domains allow people to make their content easy to access and view. It allows people to search someones content with a specific phrase. It also allows people to make digital content online for others to see.
For my domain I chose to just use my name Claire Quinn because it is simple and I can use it for several things. It broad and I can add more specific subdomains to it overtime. For my subdomain I chose “Claire’s Blog” because it is specific to this class and make it easy to identify.