Link to My Final Project

The process to make my final project was a lot of fun! For my final project I continued with my podcast project and made three more podcast about different books. I started off by making a check list of what I needed to do for each podcast episode so I wouldn’t forget anything and it allowed my to check things off as i went. To make my podcast episodes I used Voice Memos on my phone to initially record my audio and then I used Soundtrap to edit it all together. I find Soundtrap to be very beginner friendly and easy to make adjustments with. I labelled each section of my audio recording with a number so it was easier to put them in order when putting all the clips together. After finishing the podcast portion I would use Microsoft Copilot to create images that I felt represented each book.


For accessibility I included transcripts for all of my podcast episodes and I included descriptive alt text for all images I used.

Media/Source Credit/Information Accuracy

For media and source credit I included links to all the resources I used to make my podcast. I used goodreads and different books wiki pages to ensure my information was accurate and made sure to provide links to all of those resources. For this project I used ZapSplat to include intro and outro music for my podcast episode and I made sure to give them credit in both my podcast episode in a section called credit/attribution at the end.

Copyright Liscense

I used CC BY-NC 4.0 license because it allows other to build off my page as long as it is not for commercial use and acknowledge that they used by information. This would allow people to build off my descriptions of the books and add their own opinions or information about the books.

AI help

I did use Microsoft Copilot to create images for each of my podcast that were engaging and still relevant to the books. I also used Microsoft Copilot to make my icon image.

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