My Topic and Equipment

For my topic I am going to discuss Stephanie Garber’s new book, Spectacular, That will be released October 22nd. This a novella connected to her first series she created called Caraval.


For my podcast I will be using my phone to record it and it will be a monologue. I will be recording this podcast in my house and will be using background noise from a book store.

Podcast Outline

Introduction (0-20 seconds):

  • Intro music
  • Introduce who Stephanie Garber is

Section 1 (20-40 second):

  • Explain the first three books of the Caraval Series/introduce the characters
  • Include book store background noise

Section 2 (40-60 seconds):

  • Describe the new novella Spectacular

Section 3 (60-80 seconds):

  • Discuss my opinions about the series and what I hope will happen in the novella

Section 4 (80-100 seconds):

  • Discuss the connection these characters have and how they are connected to her other series Once Upon a Broken Heart

Outro (100-120 seconds)

  • Conclusion about the new Novella
  • Acknowledgments
  • Outro music

Test Recording

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